IQ testing

Mensa IQ-test

Mensa offers an authorized IQ test for persons above the age of 16.

Are you curious to know your own IQ? The test is available to everyone, so you may still take the test even if you do not have any ambitions to qualify for a Mensa membership. A test like this is likely to cost thousands of kroner if taken at a psychologist, while at Mensa it only costs 500 NOK.

Register for an IQ test

An overview of scheduled tests can be found in the test calendar.

If you score among those with the top 2% highest IQ in the population, you will also get an offer to join Mensa together with your test result.

You are welcome to try our online home test. It is similar to the controlled test described above, and may be used for practice purposes. The home test is not an authorized test, but it will provide a good indication of your IQ level.